Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
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17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
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21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
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28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
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35) Python Tutorial
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40) VB.Net Tutorial
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43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
1) 2D Graphics GUI
2) 3D Graphics
3) Advanced Graphics
4) Ant
5) Apache Common
6) Applet
7) Awt
8) Beginners Lab
9) Chart
10) Class
11) Collections Data Structure
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23) Generics
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48) Swing Components
49) Swing JFC
50) SWT Jface Eclipse
51) Threads
52) Tiny Application
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54) Velocity
55) Web Services SOA
56) XML
1) A collection that do not hold stored elements in memory, but serialize it into a file
2) A generic bag of properties used to store properties that apply to a specific target
3) A generic interface example
4) A list declared to hold objects of a type T can also hold objects that extend from T
5) A nongeneric class can be the superclass of a generic subclass
6) A simple generic class
7) A simple generic class hierarchy
8) A simple generic class with two type parameters
9) A subclass can add its own type parameters
10) A value retrieved from a type-specific list does not need to be casted
11) Bounded Wildcard arguments
12) Boxing Generic Example
13) Circular Object Buffer
14) Collections and Data structure
15) Compare two generic parameters
16) Create a generic class that can compute the average of an array of numbers of any given type
17) Create a typesafe copy of a raw list
18) Create a typesafe copy of a raw map
19) Create a typesafe copy of a raw set
20) Create a typesafe filter of an unchecked enumeration
21) Create a typesafe filter of an unchecked iterator
22) Create a typesafe view over an underlying raw map
23) Create a typesafe view over an underlying raw set
24) Creating a Type-Specific List
25) Custom Generic Object Tester
26) Data structure and collections
27) Default implementation of {@link java lang reflect ParameterizedType}
28) Demonstrate a raw generic type
29) Demonstrate a raw type
30) Demonstrate a simple generic method
31) Demonstrate the non generic class
32) Enum and Generic
33) Foreach and generic data structure
34) Generic ArrayList
35) Generic cast
36) Generic Data Structure
37) Generic HashMap
38) Generic Pair
39) Generic pair structure
40) Generic Reflection Test
41) Generic Stack
42) Generic structure with constraints
43) Generic Triple structure
44) Get Generic Parameter
45) Get the Generic definition from a class for given class with given index
46) Interface Generic (Has compile error)
47) Java generic
48) Java hierarchy generic class
49) Overriding a generic method in a generic class
50) Pair of template arguments
51) Pool container
52) Pre generics example that uses a collection
53) Return an implementation of a Comparable
54) Return generic value from method
55) Simple STL Pair Implementation
56) Stats attempts (unsuccessfully) to create a generic class
57) T is a type parameter that will be replaced by a real type when an object of type Gen is created
58) The GenStack Class
59) The type argument for T must be either Number, or a class derived from Number
60) Unchecked Example
61) Use a generic constructor
62) Use a wildcard
63) Use the instanceof operator with a generic class hierarchy